
Superfandom: How Our Obsessions Are Changing What We Buy and Who We Are


I live in constant pursuit of new ideas. The best ones change my worldview by giving me a new lens that I can use to analyze the world. Superfandom: How Our Obsessions Are Changing What We Buy and Who We Are did exactly that. Authors Zoe Fraade-Blanar and Aaron Glazer delve into the history, sociology and psychology of fan culture, and how it impacts business. 

In this episode, we take an in-depth look at the influence of fans―society’s alpha customers―on our lives and culture. We talk about how Zoe and Aaron followed their North Star by founding an open-source stuffed animals company called Squishables. We also discuss how the internet has changed the nature of fandom by making it a two-way conversation between fans and the people, brands, and stories that engage them. Without question, the case studies are the best part of the book. 

And because I can’t resist, I have to tell you about Hatsune Miku, a Japanese virtual celebrity whose songs are composed entirely by fans, the dynamics of fandom—the activities we perform to show we belong to a group of people with common interests—may be as old as culture itself. In addition, we dive into the wonderful worlds of Disney, Harry Potter, Polaroid film, and European classical music. 

Hatsune Miku

Hatsune Miku

This episode is a special treat for anybody who cares about, contributes to, and lives in our rapidly expanding fan-driven economy.
